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Peach Boy And Other Japanese Children's Favorite Stories
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"The books have a generous, easy-to-handle size and the text is produced in a large font. Charmingly decorated endpapers welcome readers. All of the artwork.—consisting of numerous full-page pictures and smaller detail illustrations.—is in color. The delicate paintings blend traditional images with touches of gentle humor. Incorporating straightforward language and clear dialogue, the retellings are accessible to youngsters and read aloud smoothly." —School Library Journal
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Product details
Age Range: 4 - 9 years
Grade Level: Preschool - 3
Series: Japanese Children's Favorite Stories
Hardcover: 48 pages
Publisher: Tuttle Publishing; Hardcover with Jacket edition (September 15, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 4805309962
ISBN-13: 978-4805309964
Product Dimensions:
9 x 0.6 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.7 out of 5 stars
24 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#402,259 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
This is the same book that my mother used to read to us when we were little. Very fun to read it again with an adult eye.
i take care of my daughter and a little boy, both two years old, and i am teaching them about other cultures (one a month) for... well, forever. right now part of their education is traditional stories from each we study.this book is PERFECT for that!!! this is exactly what you expect from the description. it includes the stories peach boy, the magic teakettle, monkey-dance and sparrow-dance, the long nosed goblins, the rabit in the moon, the toungue-cut sparrow, silly saburo, the toothpick warriors, and the sticky-sticky pine.the illustrations are pretty small- at least not full page, but the kids love it as much or more than any of their massive colour packed picture books.highly reccomended for anyone who would like to have a really great little collection of traditional japanese stories
I remember my mom reading these stories to me when I was in elementary school. I kind of wish that the cover wasn't a removable jacket -- the original version of this book had the cover printed on, so it didn't require a jacket. I know that there is a version available with a CD for listening and follow-along, but that version seems to lose some charm. All in all, the stories are translated from original language quite well, and I look forward to the day when my little one can listen to the stories without ripping the pages.
Really cute interesting stories that are unique to the culture. Good introduction for my grandchildren before moving to Japan.
My kids have some Japanese heritage, and I want them to learn about their heritage and read stories that I did as a kid. This book includes stories I'm not familiar along with the very famous Momotaro (Peach Boy). The stories are relatively long with VERY limited pictures. However, my 4 year old loves it. The morals are often about not being greedy or mean.
Love this book. So many cute stories with life lessons.
Received in great condition, exactly as described
A favorite from my childhood.
This is a family favorite. I bought this book when our Navy family wasstationed overseas in Japan! I read it often to my first son, MY PeachBoy! Now his wife is pregnant with their first son---and I have boughtanother copy for him. I know my son and his family will enjoy sharingthis, and it will become part of the fabric of childhood once more!HIGHLY RECOMMEND this wonderful Japanese classic. ENJOY!
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